Columnist Letizia Mariani explores the benefits of VISION and other short-term service trips.
New webpage spreads VISION community
St. Thomas’ VISION recently created “Humans of VISION” to highlight the stories of past participants and welcome others into the community.
St. Thomas perspectives abroad: Ecuador
Senior reporter Baihly Warfield traveled to Quito, Ecuador on a VISION trip and says she is now more grateful for privileges we take for granted in the United States.
Monk life: the simplistic spring break
When Opinions Editor Alex Goering spent time in a monastery over spring break, he realized the value of simplicity in life.
VISION adds new, Catholic-focused trips
The St. Thomas VISION program is adding three new spring break trips with a distinctly Catholic focus.
Eating artisan means quality over quantity
Local, responsible and healthy eating shouldn’t be a masculine or feminine thing.
St. Thomas Perspectives Abroad: India
I will struggle to answer the inevitable question my friends and family will ask me in the coming weeks: “So, how was India?”