OPINION: Loving our country requires disagreement

President Donald Trump has painted himself as the ultimate patriot. Any criticism of him or his policies is deemed unpatriotic, but it shouldn’t be that way. Columnist Kayla Mayer argues patriotism doesn’t mean unceasing support for everything a country does.

News in :90 – Oct. 16, 2019

Elizabeth Warren came under attack by rivals accusing her of ducking questions related to her campaign policies, Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria is close to sparking a crisis at the world’s biggest military alliance, and Vice President of Student Affairs Karen Lange spoke to the general council and reported 18 clubs were funded at the undergraduate student government general council meeting. Columnist Kayla Mayer has today’s News in :90.

OPINIONS: The media glorifies criminals like Ted Bundy

The evil deeds of sadists like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy are encapsulated in popular documentaries, movies and TV shows. Columnist Kayla Mayer argues that while it’s natural to be curious about their motivations, the curiosity becomes dangerous when media producers skim over the victims and the brutality of the crimes.