INFOGRAPHIC: Avoiding Thanksgiving food waste

In the U.S., 40% of all food goes to waste. During the holidays, people are confronted with more food than they can eat, meaning a lot of food is wasted. Designer Maggie Stout has an infographic on how people can reduce food waste over Thanksgiving.

INFOGRAPHIC: Bicycle safety tips

Around 75% of fatal or serious cyclist accidents occur in urban areas and 80% of cyclist casualties occur in daylight. Designer Brooklyn Madden has a graphic with tips for cyclists to stay safe.

Earth Day by the numbers

More than one billion people will participate in Earth Day activities this year. Learn more as Designer Keely Gregory breaks down some of the biggest stats from Earth Day.

Spring break by the numbers

Approximately 1.5 million students will travel somewhere for spring break this year. Learn more as Designer Keely Gregory gives a run down of spring break by the numbers.