News in :90 – Nov. 21, 2019

Ambassador of the European Union declared to impeachment investigators Wednesday that President Donald Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani explicitly sought a “quid pro quo” with Ukraine and several murals are located throughout the St. Thomas campus. Reporter Burke Spizale has today’s News in :90.

News in :90 – Nov. 14, 2019

With impeachment trials underway, Democrats and Republicans are hardening their arguments over the actions of president Donald Trump and first-year Angelica Franaschouck is painting clothes for St. Thomas students. Videographer Owen Landrud has today’s News in :90.

News in :90 – Nov. 8, 2019

House Democrats released new transcripts of Trump officials’ testimony Friday, Governor Tim Walz wants to lower carbon emissions from Minnesota’s transportation sector, and St. Thomas students gathered in the CreateSpace last Wednesday in celebration of the Day of the Dead. Studio Producer Kate Nechanicky has today’s News in :90.

News in :90 – Nov. 7, 2019

President Donald Trump denies a report that he wanted General William Barr to hold a press conference declaring Trump had broken no laws, democrats have announced they will launch public impeachment hearings next week, and the Schultz School of Entrepreneurship hosted the second women in entrepreneurship week at St. Thomas. Reporter Mae Macfarlane has today’s News in :90.

News in :90 – March 5, 2019

Hillary Clinton has ruled out a 2020 rematch with Donald Trump, a London man appears to be free of the AIDS virus after a stem cell transplant, democrats launched a sweeping new probe of President Donald Trump on Monday, and St. Thomas students voted on Feb. 12 and 13 in a special election to fill nine open USG positions. Columnist Kayla Mayer has today’s News in :90.

News in :90 – Nov. 8, 2018

Hooded gunman kills 12 Wednesday night, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in hospital with fractured ribs, Democrats prepare to use house power over President Trump with financial claims. Web Manager Esmee Verschoor has today’s News in :90.