Undergraduate Student Government is in the final stages of a partnership with Information Resources and Technologies to develop and release a St. Thomas smartphone app.
USG President Jenna Johnson said the application has already been created and will undergo final testing in April before its release in May. An updated version will then be released in the fall.
The app will allow students to access their class schedules, notifications from Blackboard, Google Maps, Admissions, the Newsroom, TommieMedia, shuttle schedules and more.
USG also discussed its upcoming Motivational Monday program that begins March 10. Senior Class President Kelly Higgins said USG is starting Motivational Monday as a way to make Mondays more positive.
“Motivational Monday just came from kind of brainstorming at our last USG retreat, and it’s really just to, you know, boost the spirit around campus,” Higgins said. “Just kind of get them (students) thinking positive and really just have a positive outlook on the day.”
USG representatives will be handing out buttons and stickers for the program in the Anderson Student Center around noon Monday.
Grace Pastoor can be reached at past6138@stthomas.edu