Seniors Lauren Miller and Kelly Rodriguez received the Sister Pat Kowalski Women’s Leadership Award Thursday afternoon in McNeely Hall.
“I think it’s awesome that the two of us got the award,” Miller said. “And I’m grateful the important women in my life are here.”
The award was presented as part of the University Advocates for Women and Equity spring reception. Each year, the award is given to a St. Thomas woman concerned with working on women’s issues. This year, the UAWE believed Miller and Rodriguez both deserved the award.
“It’s amazing to have another person there who has the same qualities and who is really devoted to women and being a great leader on campus,” Rodriguez said.
Each recipient chose an organization that UWAE will donate to.
Miller chose an organization in El Paso, Texas, established by a group of nuns who wanted to create more economic and social stability for women in Juarez, Mexico. Miller saw first-hand accounts of the hardships in Juarez when she led a VISION trip there.

“When I saw the problems these women were facing, I knew I wanted to do something that would make a lasting impact,” Miller said.
Rodriguez chose the Save the Children foundation because of its efforts to help Haiti and because “children are a very important part of our future.”
The Women’s Leadership Award is dedicated in memory of Sister Pat Kowalski’s spirit and work. Kowalski was director of community partnerships at St. Thomas for seven years, playing a vital role in coordinating service learning projects at St. Thomas. She was also a member of the University Advocates for Women, formerly called the University Committee on Women, and was highly concerned with gender equity.
The award rotates between faculty, staff and students each year.
Miles Trump can be reached at mttaylorjohn@stthomas.edu
Two of the most amazing people I have ever met. Congrats, sorry I missed the ceremony!