St. Thomas students waited outside the Box Office in Murray-Herrick Campus Center today to purchase tickets to “Footloose” at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. Students who purchase the tickets will attend the musical on Sunday, Feb. 14.
“The tickets are only five dollars, so it’s a really good deal because it includes dinner and the show,” said Amber Marti, a graduate assistant with Campus and Residence Life. “You have to be an undergraduate student, and it’s one ticket per student.”
Free transportation to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre will be available.
“We are having a bus, so you have to take the bus in order to go,” Marti said. “The bus leaves from Flynn [Hall] at 3:30 [p.m.] and then returns to Flynn at 9:30 p.m.”
The majority of students waiting in line purchased tickets for Valentine’s Day plans.
“I’m taking my girlfriend out to ‘Footloose’ for Valentine’s Day,” junior Ryan Russell said. “She really likes the movie, so I figured she’d like the musical too. [I’m more excited for] the show because I don’t know anything about ‘Footloose,’ and I’m sure the show is going to be great. The Chanhassen Dinner Theatre does a really good job.”
Freshman Sam Fish had a similar idea.
“I was looking for something cheap to do with my girlfriend on Valentine’s Day,” he said. “I’ve seen parts [of the movie], but I don’t really remember anything about it, though.”
Other students, such as freshman Michael Thiem, were simply intrigued by the show.
“I thought it would be a fun experience. Musicals are always better than the movie,” Thiem said.
Sophomores Laura Carlson and Maria Zownirowycz, purchased tickets together for a fun evening to catch up with friends.
“There’s nothing else to do on Valentine’s Day,” Zownirowycz said. “It’ll be a good opportunity.”
Rebecca Omastiak can be reached at omas5009@stthomas.edu.