The Undergraduate Student Government and the commuter center are teaming up to improve the relationship between St. Thomas students who live off-campus and their neighbors by offering $20 taxi vouchers.
West Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee senator Jared Scharpen says to get a voucher, students have to complete a taxi voucher incentive form, available in the Commuter Center. Students meet with a neighbor and exchange contact information, then return the form to the Commuter Center to receive a $20 voucher.

One hundred vouchers are available on a first-come first-serve basis this fall, and taxi vouchers are for the Blue and White Taxi company only, Scharpen said.
The taxi vouchers could potentially appeal to students who choose to participate in the party scene, because those students are the ones who need rides home at night, said junior Sean Quinn.
“I think the program is a great idea,” Quinn said. “It forces the students who are more likely to cause tension in the neighborhood to meet the people they may be upsetting.”
The program was introduced last spring but didn’t have much participation from students.
“When we tried the program last spring it was very successful for the few students who participated,” Scharpen said. He said he hopes the added attention the program is getting will increase participation.
Funding for the program comes from the USG, WSNAC board, and money allocated from Dean of Students Karen Lange, said Merriam Park Neighborhood senator Linnea Bicking.
John Bealka can be reached at