Strong winds and cool temperatures didn’t dampen the spirit of some St. Thomas students as they donated used clothing to the Youth Express clothing drive Thursday afternoon.
“The clothes donated here will go to the Express Yourself clothing store,” senior Tara Niebeling said.
When Niebeling interned for Youth Express, an after-school program for inner-city and low-income youth, she was assigned to work with Express Yourself, a secondhand clothing store. Even though her internship has ended, Niebeling decided to keep working with the store, which is completely run by students in the program.
“They designed the store; they decide what goes on the shelves,” Niebeling said. “It’s all their project.”
Youth Express opened the store on the corner of Selby Avenue and Lexington Parkway as a way for youth to learn business practices.
“The girls in the program are learning administrative skills, customer service and even a little advertising,” Niebeling said.
The store depends on donations, and St. Thomas clubs as well as other businesses in the area have stepped up to help.
“Gamma Sigma Sigma said they needed five SUV’s to bring all their clothes today, so we’re pretty excited to see that,” Niebeling said. “Other clubs like Delta Sigma Pi, PRSSA and AdFed also helped us out with donations.”
Other businesses, such as Old Navy and American Eagle, donate clothing that did not sell in their stores. Niebeling said it’s a good way to get good looking clothes for little money.
“Just stop by the store, and check it out,” she said. “It’s all really cheap and it goes to a good cause.”
Shane Delaney can be reached at smdelaney@stthomas.edu.