After almost six weeks without a Flynn Hall Area Director, Residence Life has hired former Indiana University Residence Coordinator Erin Whipkey.

Whipkey started her new job Saturday, Feb. 26, and said she is already enjoying the position, despite a bout with pneumonia last week.
“I think the thing that really attracted me (to St. Thomas) was the mission and how driven it is,” Whipkey said. “Students can get into that, and it connects everybody.”
Whipkey replaced Katie Olson, who found another position outside of St. Thomas and resigned after the fall semester.
Olson’s former position was posted regionally and nationally prior to winter break, according to Associate Director of Residence Life Cari Fealy. Fealy said Residence Life made sure to leave the position up for several weeks to get the best group of candidates possible.
“We really reach out to our colleagues, as well as nationally, to make sure that we get candidates that know we have a mid-year opening,” Fealy said.
Fealy said she thinks that Whipkey will be a great addition to the Residence Life staff and St. Thomas community.
“She’s got great energy, she’s really passionate about working with college students,” Fealy said. “She’s eager to step in and really get to know a lot of the residents.”
Whipkey said she looks forward to being in a position that works with college students again and that so far, her colleagues have been wonderful.
“It’s a great professional experience at St. Thomas,” Whipkey said. “I already feel very supported by other staff and colleagues.”
Sophomore Peter Scheerer, a Residence Hall Association representative for Flynn Hall, said Whipkey made a good first impression.
“She seemed like she was going to be a good resource for me as the president of Flynn Hall Council and also as a resident,” Scheerer said. “She seems nice and down to earth.”
Fealy said that even though Flynn was without a director over winter break and January Term, things went smoothly.
“We divvied (the responsibilities) out evenly so that it didn’t feel like it was a huge burden or that anything was missed,” she said.
Sophomore Flynn resident Brianna Odegaard said she didn’t even notice a difference.
“Flynn seemed to run pretty smoothly for the most part,” Odegaard said. “I did not even know about the change until a few days ago.”
Even though Scheerer said not having a hall director created obstacles for the hall’s event planning committee, he’s looking forward to the transition.
“I am looking forward to the opportunity of cultivating a new relationship that can be beneficial for not only the two of us, but the entire hall,” Scheerer said.
Baihly Warfield can be reached at