The scrolling message on the top of campus televisions will continue for the next two to three weeks, said Nate Shuff, digital video integration coordinator for IRT.
Shuff said Comcast needs to install a box that can convert the signal to correct the problem.
“It was supposed to be done over J-Term, and then spring break, and now we’re pushing May,” Shuff said. “We’re essentially at their mercy.”
He said there’s nothing the university can do to speed up the process.
“The scrolling bar on the TVs in the dorms is really annoying,” junior Breana Lucius said. “Because it’s the whole top inch of your TV. It’s just repeats the same thing over, and you’d think after awhile it’d stop.”
The message appeared on televisions April 21 and has continued to scroll on different channels periodically throughout the day.
“It’s been this entire week at least, so that’s like, what, a month,” Lucius said.
Kelly Trussell can be reached at kmtrussell@stthomas.edu.