A student draws the face of a friendly scarecrow. The Residence Hall Association provided several options for scarecrow-decorating, including flannels and jeans.
Students clothe their scarecrow in Dallas Cowboys gear. The Tommies sported their best flannel while competing for the prize of pumpkin pie. (Miranda Lockner/TommieMedia)
Freshman Hope Bleeker stuffs the legs of a scarecrow with hay. Tarps coated the ground in Koch Commons on Wednesday in preparation for the contest. (Miranda Lockner/TommieMedia)
Freshmen Eric Holly, Chris Olson and Andrew Varga dress the winning scarecrow skeleton in flannel. (Miranda Lockner/TommieMedia)
Pumpkin spice-flavored candy corn decorates tables next to bales of hay. Students munched on several other treats such as pumpkin bars, brownies and apple cider. (Miranda Lockner/TommieMedia)
Sophomore Annie Mattsen secures a flannel shirt around the body of a scarecrow. Students adorned scarecrows with yarn and clothing and drew on their creations with marker. (Miranda Lockner/TommieMedia)
Students pose to have their picture taken with their finished product. The fall-themed contest took place Wednesday. (Miranda Lockner/TommieMedia)
A student prepares to fill a scarecrow’s body with hay. Large quantities of hay filled Koch’s Fireside Room on Wednesday for the contest. (Miranda Lockner/TommieMedia)
Students gathered in Koch Commons Wednesday to decorate scarecrows.