After Steve Hoeppner’s Oct. 2 resignation, St. Thomas named alumnus and 26-year institutional advancement staff member Joe Plante interim executive director of Development.
Plante, who assumed the position Oct. 3 after Hoeppner’s 11 years of leadership, will work with President Julie Sullivan as she evaluates the department’s direction.
“Dr. Julie Sullivan … asked me to serve in this role as kind of a placeholder for the time being while she assesses some long-term reorganization in institutional advancement,” Plante said.

In 2011, Plante became director of Development, the office’s second-highest position, where he oversaw 30 gift solicitors on the 60-member institutional staff team. Now, as the interim executive director, he manages all 60 gift officers and non-fundraising staff.
Plante said helping his team successfully raise an unprecedented $515 million for the Opening Doors Capital Campaign that ended last October was one of his biggest accomplishments as the director of Development.
Since the Opening Doors Capital Campaign began in 2005 and went public in 2007, a total of 43,539 individuals, companies and organizations contributed to the $515 million raised before it came to a close in October 2012.
Plante said he’ll work for a smooth transition into his new role since his position isn’t the only one in the office that has a new face.
“The biggest goals are providing a strong level of continuity because of some of the staffing changes while building to our future success,” Plante said.
Although he has worked at St. Thomas for 26 years, Plante’s experience with Development began before that. The 1986 alumnus worked in the public affairs office his senior year, and he met several staff and faculty members in that role.
“I got to know a number of our public affairs staff, our alumni association staff, Development staff and other administrators at the university very well,” Plante said. “So then I went to work elsewhere for a year after I graduated. But, because I had so many of those relationships at St. Thomas my last year as a student, I was recruited to work in the alumni affairs office.”
Plante said he still enjoys working at St. Thomas after all these years. He said he’s especially excited about his new adventure as the interim executive director.
“I am so thrilled about Dr. Sullivan’s arrival here, and I’m really looking forward to working with her and others around the university as we continue to fulfill our mission and make the education acceptable for our students,” Plante said.
Stephanie Dodd can be reached at