The Anderson Student Center doesn’t appear to be taking a summer break – especially the food venues.
Limited hours at The Binz, Food for Thought, Summit Market Place, and T’s have not deterred students from buying food on campus, according to T’s manager Gayle Lamb.
“Our traffic may pick up after all of the public and private schools get out as teachers come for continuing education classes, but not until starting the week of June 11,” said Lamb.
During the summer vacation, while courses are offered during the six-week long terms, no on-campus meal plan is available.
Sophomore Lauren Buchholz said she is open to the idea of buying food on campus but doesn’t mind the lack of a summer meal plan.

“I like cooking, and I would guess it’s cheaper for me to do so than be on any meal plan the school would offer,” Buchholz said.
Although junior Joseph Moss is taking summer classes, he chose to live at home rather than on campus.
“I don’t care about the summer (dining options). I eat at home,” Moss said.
Summit Market Place manager Josh Moldenhauer said the Anderson Student Center has greatly increased business at what was formerly called the C-Store.
“Summer business for the C-Store was abysmal, so much so in fact that it closed after the month of June,” Moldenhauer said.
According to Binz manager Andrew Casale, the summer menu isn’t all that different from the school year.
“We have a rotating menu that includes a lot of the favorite items we have during the school year,” Casale said.
This also includes ice cream and salad bars every day for lunch.
However, Lamb heard that some students were looking for more variety in their UST summer dining experience. But she said this is not feasible for T’s.
“We have tried opening additional areas in the summer and the customer traffic is not enough to warrant the expense,” Lamb said.
The new student center has greatly improved dining services, according to Lamb.
“Being in the new building has given us new opportunities to try many different foods and (we) are able to keep the menu items fresh and exciting,”Lamb said.
It does not appear that any more dining options will open in the student center this summer.
“If the demand presented itself or if we could generate the demand, I am sure that other venues would be opened,” Moldenhauer said.
UST Dining Services summer hours can be found at
Caroline Rode can be reached at