Some St. Thomas students wish classes were canceled today in observation of Presidents Day.
“Any more days off would be absolutely awesome, but I guess since we are a private college we wouldn’t necessarily have to have holidays off that public institutes do,” junior Katie Hubly said.
Most Twin Cities schools remain open during Presidents Day.
All Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities and other schools, including the University of Minnesota, Bethel University, Metropolitan State University and Northwestern College, are holding classes during Presidents Day.
Only three schools in the area are closed for the holiday. Minneapolis schools North Central University and Dunwoody College of Technology are closed, as well as Normandale Community College in Bloomington.
Three federal holidays occur during spring or fall semester at St. Thomas, Veterans Day, Columbus Day and Presidents Day. St. Thomas does not observe any of them.
“I think it would be nice and it would be a way to pay respect … for Veteran’s Day because it is a national holiday thanking and honoring veterans,” freshman Christine Buelt said.
Senior Elise Kern said having today off makes sense since most federal businesses are closed.
“I didn’t understand why we didn’t have today off because banks are closed, the post office is closed, and other schools have off,” Kern said.
Several St. Thomas students have siblings who have school off today.
“My siblings have today off. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known today was Presidents Day,” senior Katie Peyton said.
Gina Dolski contributed to this report.
Rebecca Omastiak can be reached at omas5009@stthomas.edu.
Too many important holidays which have been created to show honor and respect to our nation’s past and present heros and leaders are being overlooked. The article mentions the three federal holidays during fall and spring for which the university is not closed, but fails to mention J-term. Why does the university close its doors for Martin Luther King day and not any of these other three holidays? This seems like a snub to those the holidays are designed to honor, especially Presidents and Veterans.