Jack’s Mannequin and Unicycle Loves You will rock out in the new field house for the fall concert, STAR announced Monday.

Jack’s Mannequin, an alternative rock/piano rock band featuring Something Corporate’s Andrew McMahon, will be the first concert in the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex. The new venue will hold 2000 people— 1400 more people than the O’Shaughnessy Education Center held for last year’s Jordin Sparks concert.
“We are all very excited to offer another fantastic free concert to the undergraduate students and showcase the new facilities,” said Mo Berkowitz, STAR programming intern. “People are excited to have the concert in the new field house.”
Opening act Unicycle Loves You is an indie rock band based out of Chicago.
The St. Thomas football team will face off against St. John’s Oct. 2 in Collegeville. And for junior Andrea Gussel, it might be the best day of her fall semester.
“I’m so excited that Jack’s Mannequin is coming,” Gussel said. “I can’t wait. They’re one of my favorite bands. It would be the best day ever going to the Tommie-Johnnie game and the concert at night.”
But other students aren’t so sure about the decision.
“I don’t really know who they are, which is kind of disappointing,” sophomore Sarah Greethurst said. “I really wish they would have had a bigger name like past years. … But I’ll probably go because it’s a free concert. You can’t beat that.”
The concert will be held at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2 in the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex.
Cynthia Johnson and John Bealka contributed to this story.
Mary Kenkel can be reached at mlkenkel@stthomas.edu.
Overall this artical was very respectful. Props to Mary.
If anyone is interested in the process STAR goes through to book concerts, feel free to e-mail star@stthomas.edu.
Well done. About 7000 times better than Jordin Sparks.
This is the first time I am reading tommie media, and I am so glad I did because they are on of my favorite band and I cannot wait to see them again in concert!!!! YAY!
I just want to tell STAR: you have done SOOOO GREAT this year! If its Jake Wakem and Jake McChesney rocking FANAMANIAC to Chris Petros, Alex Norris, Mo and them rocking the programming board, TAD with Ellie and Christian or Brett Stone and Linnea doing awesome ad’s… I am so impressed!
I have loved Jack’s Mannequin since as long as I can remember!
I flew out to Salt Lake City to see Something Corporate this summer and it was the greatest concert of my life next to Sigur Rós. I think having Jack’s Mannequin here, having Andrew McMahon here, my personal hero, will make up for the Plain White Ts parking their tour bus outside my Morrison apartment and having a fight with them about their cigarette smoke filling my room.
This will be fantastic.
Can we bring a guest who is not a student to the concert? So pumped for it though! Jack’s Mannequin is so good live too!
Wow…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHre1WOvODc
This is such a joke.