The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has canceled the air pollution health alert it issued for the Twin Cities and Rochester areas Tuesday.
But some St. Thomas students were left in the dark about the alert in the first place.
Freshman Hallie Lundell said she didn’t hear about the warning on her morning commute to campus.
“I think I’d be a little freaked out if I heard it,” she said. “But the only difference I notice outside is the change of weather.”
Freshman Megan Boyd said the pollution alerts could raise some red flags in the future.
“I guess it’s more of a long-term thing,” she said. “It means we need to be more cautious about our environment.”
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency reported those with respiratory or cardiovascular disease, young children, the elderly and individuals who participate in activities that require heavy exertion are the most sensitive to elevated levels of air pollution.

Junior Josh Wilson said he isn’t worried about the side effect.
“It’s just air to me,” Wilson said. “It hasn’t affected me yet, so I don’t pay attention to it.”
An air pollution health advisory will remain in effect for the Twin Cities area through Wednesday.
Regardless, senior David Riley said he won’t sweat the advisory.
“It smells like spring,” Riley said. “That’s the only difference I can notice.”
Zach Pagano can be reached at paga7147@stthomas.edu.