The Alumni Association declared today the first Father Lavin Day and offered free “Lavin Burgers” at Scooter’s from 11-1 p.m.
Nov. 12 was Monsignor Lavin’s birthday, and he would have been 94 years old.
Gayle Lamb, operations manager of dining services, said Scooter’s was the perfect place to have the celebration, since it was named after Lavin in 1989.
“(The Alumni Association) thought, in his honor, that we should have a Father Lavin Day and serve ‘Lavin Burgers,’” Lamb said.

Junior Alex Fritz said the free peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were a nice Monday surprise.
“I feel great,” Fritz said. “They taste great.”
Lavin was affectionately referred to as “Scooter,” a nickname given to him in 1964, because of his signature brisk walk. Lamb said Lavin could religiously be found in the Ireland Hall basement making “Lavin Burgers.”
“He helped the students out by having a prayer session and then provided free peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every Thursday nights and Sunday nights as a way to get to know all the young men in the dorm and also to build a sense of community,” Lamb said. “Kids were hungry and didn’t have money. That’s when it really started.”
Lavin had congestive heart failure and died of natural causes Sept. 17 at the Little Sisters of the Poor residence near downtown St. Paul. Hundreds gathered to celebrate his life on Sept. 21 in the Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Freshman Ashley Bauman said she isn’t one to turn down a free sandwich.
“I read it on the news thing this morning, and I love peanut butter and jelly,” Bauman said.
Junior Vinnie Decenzo appreciated the new tradition.
“It’s very generous from the Alumni Association,” Decenzo said. “Go Tommies.”
Lamb said she hopes the celebration will continue in the future.
“At this point, every Nov. 12 we will do a father Lavin day, and we will probably still serve ‘Lavin Burgers’ in Scooters,” Lamb said.