St. Thomas Director of Family Studies Carol Bruess’ “What Happy Couples Do” seminar will be featured in the “Learning for Life” educational series at O’Shaughnessy Education Center auditorium on Tuesday, Feb. 7.
The series is co-sponsored by the Alumni Association and partners with the Selim Center for Learning in Later Years and the Family Studies program.
Bruess, who is also a communication and journalism professor, is the co-author of “What Happy Couples Do: Belly Button Fuzz and Bare-Chested Hugs.” The book, written with St. Thomas adjunct professor Anna Kudak, advises couples on how to create happier partnerships. It is based on more than 15 years of research.
“I want students to know that, like anything else, you can make your relationships better by working hard,” Bruess said. “And why not rely on the research to find out how?”
“What Happy Couples Do” is the first of three published works by Bruess and Kudak.
“What we have tried to do is interview couples in particular about women and people and friendships and the ways that they connect,” Bruess said.
Bruess considered rituals like nicknames, private language and inside jokes as human needs for connection, kindness, entertainment and love.
“Rituals of connection contribute to healthy relationships in so many ways,” Bruess said. “It’s an opportunity to come together.”
The interactive seminar will feature a variety of research on happy couples. Bruess will discuss “micro changes” and relationship expectations. Bruess will also discuss one of the top three things that cause conflict in a relationship, but she would not reveal what it was before the event.
“It’s not what people expect,” Bruess said. “It’s not sex, it’s not money and it’s not in-laws.”
Check TommieMedia for video coverage of the event this week.
The seminar will be held in OEC auditorium from 7-8:30pm. It is free for St. Thomas students with a student I.D. and $15 for all other attendees. Books and gifts will be available for purchase.
Carly Samuelson can be reached at samu5380@stthomas.edu.