St. Thomas bands and choirs will hold their first performance at 2 p.m. this Sunday, Oct. 24, at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis.
Choir Director Angela Broeker said the annual fall concert does not have a theme, but will feature five St. Thomas ensembles: the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Chamber Singers, Concert Choir and Festival Choirs.
Junior Stefan Wolf, a Chamber singer, said the concert will feature a variety of music.

“We’ve got a really good set lined up with pieces ranging from all the way back in the Renaissance to current day,” Wolf said.
Sophomore Cat Stuntebeck, a Concert Choir member, said, “We’ve got some really neat pieces this fall, and what’s really neat is that as the year goes on the choir gets better and better. It’s going to be lots of fun.”
Stuntebeck said she enjoys performing.
“I am always on a high afterward for like a week because it’s so awesome performing with such an incredible group,” she said.
Sophomore Lisa Hager, a Chamber singer, is excited for the first performance this school year. She called it a chance to “show everyone what we’ve been working on and what they can look forward to for the Christmas concerts. We are all so dedicated and so passionate about what we do and we are able to give better performances because of it.”
Musicians excited to play at Orchestra Hall
Symphonic Band members Trevor Ausen, a freshman percussionist, and Annie Kezar, a freshman French horn player, said they are excited to play at Orchestra Hall.

“It’s my first time playing there,” Ausen said. “I’m also really excited to play with the St. Thomas Symphonic Band because it’s a very good band.”
Kezar agreed.
“I’m excited for my first St. Thomas band concert,” Kezar said. “People should look for a good variety of styles and a lot of pieces that they may know or will be new to them.”
Freshman Amber Neid, a saxophonist in the Symphonic Band, said, “The concert’s free and it’s at a great facility so people might as well come. The Vikings don’t play until late that night, so that’s a good thing.”
Maggie Clemensen and Nathan Spencer contributed to this report.
Theresa Malloy can be reached at