Raymond Nkwain Kindva, biochemistry major, 3.07 GPA

Kindva is from Yaoundé, Cameroon. On campus, he has been involved as the international student representative for Undergraduate Student Government, service coordinator for Globally Minded Students Association, community liaison for African Nations’ Student Association, a Linkages mentor, Students for Justice and Peace coordinator, transfer orientation leader and chemistry tutor and research assistant.
Kindva said his fondest memory during college was going on an education tour of Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia to learn about the Civil Rights Movement.
His greatest achievement at St. Thomas was winning the Outstanding Commitment Award from the Student Diversity and Inclusion Services Office.
Something people might not know about Kindva is that he has an uncanny fear of crowds. If he could have a superpower, he would want the ability to be in many places at the same time.
Kindva is passionate about photography, graphic design, social justice, writing poetry and pharmacy. In the future, he wants to be a pharmacist and an agent for change.
Claire Noack can be reached at noac8702@stthomas.edu.