Rachel Beck, biochemistry major, psychology minor, 4.0 GPA

Beck is from Roseville, Minnesota. She has been involved on campus as a resident advisor and operations manager in Dowling, Murray and Flynn Halls; president of National Residence Hall Honorary; president of the Chemistry Club; and teaching and research assistant in the Chemistry department.
She has also received several awards for academic excellence, including the Chemistry Department Catalyst Award in 2013, Biology Department Excellence Award in 2013 and the Larson Scholar Award from the Department of Chemistry in 2015.
Beck said her favorite memory was last year when her younger sister became a Tommie and joined her and her older sister at St. Thomas. She has also enjoyed remaining close to home throughout college. Beck’s greatest achievement has been her continued service at her local nursing home and regularly playing Bingo with the residents.
An interesting fact about Beck is that she has studied abroad during two J-terms and will be studying abroad for the third time this January.
In the future, Beck will be pursuing a medical degree to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. She would also love to become a mother one day.
Claire Noack can be reached at noac8702@stthomas.edu.