Harrison Aslesen, business administration major, 3.22
Aslesen is from Edina, Minnesota. As a Tommie, he has worked as at Summit Marketplace and participated in Summit Singers, Eastern European Club, KUST and American Marketing Association.
In addition to being nominated for the Tommie Award, Aslesen said he is proud of starting off college with a good freshman year and continuing to make each year better. His favorite memories as a Tommie are late nights studying with friends in the student center and being a part of the overall campus community.
Aslesen said he has many unique character traits that people may not know about him, including a near-phobia of ketchup as well as considering himself to be an extroverted introvert.
Aslesen has enjoyed his internship at iHeart Media and hopes to continue on to a career in marketing.
Rebecca Mariscal can be reached at mari2162@stthomas.edu.