St. Thomas graduate Daniel Shinozaki died Sunday, Feb. 21, in Nagoya, Japan.
Shinozaki, who attended Rosemount High School and graduated from St. Thomas in 2005 with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, was battling colorectal cancer and undergoing chemotherapy while in Japan.
A small funeral was held Wednesday for family and close friends. A larger funeral will be held Sunday, Feb. 28, at the Shinozaki residence in Japan, and a memorial service in Minnesota is currently being planned.
During his time at St. Thomas, Shinozaki was an officer with the sailing team.
“What I do remember about Dan was just a real joie de vivre,” said Tom Hodgson, who advised the sailing team while Shinozaki participated. “He seemed to bring a joy and happiness to everything he did with the sailing team.”
Associate professor Michael Hennessey taught Shinozaki engineering graphics in spring 2002.
“He was a quiet student,” Hennessey said. “That is how I remember him; friendly and mild-mannered.”
Rebecca Omastiak can be reached at omas5009@stthomas.edu.