Students clean up Mississippi River

Preserving natural beauty was the main goal at this year’s Mississippi River cleanup. St. Thomas students spent their Saturday morning last weekend picking up trash and ridding the area of everything from cans to giant stuffed animals.

Green Team member freshman Acadia Stephan said many students don’t realize how close they are to the river, and that conservation is key for the entire community.

“Well sometimes we take it for granted that our campus is located so close to the Mississippi river and it’s a beautiful place so it’s really important that we take care of it … not just for ourselves but for the community as well,” Stephan said.

Among the countless amounts of trash found was a giant stuffed dog. Juniors Laura Maltby, Rachel Hanson and Matt Boehm discovered it down by the banks of the river.

The “Mighty Mississippi” will forever be a St. Thomas staple. Sustainability Committee Chair Bob Douglas said communities can make connections in hopes to preserve the beauty of the river.

“I think there’s an interest in making connections with the community that matters to us … just like to you how things look and make things nicer. It’s a beautiful place to be,” Douglas said.

Alison Bengtson can be reached at