Career Development Center intern junior Chloe Johnson is searching the St. Thomas campus for movie stars.

Johnson posted fliers around campus asking for “fun, energetic students to be featured in short, on-campus films.” She will be using students to make four informative, student-focused shorts that will air on the Career Development Center’s YouTube channel before the end of this semester.
These films are not new to the Career Development Center. The center is continuing episodes from 2009, but Johnson’s adviser Chad Kluck said he is excited to see them moving forward.
“We could use (the films) when we go to classrooms,” Kluck said. “Instructors can use them as watching material. That’s the goal.”
Kluck said that the films’ focus is the key to getting publicity for the Career Development Center’s resources.
“That’s really what the films are about, all student-focused,” Kluck said. “It lets the students know that these are your peers, and you can do the same thing: Come and see (the Career Development Center) for some help.”
Johnson wrote four Internet episodes that all include different, creative plot lines and will require a lot of work and talent.
“One of them is called ‘Interview Scare.’ In this episode, Tommie (the mascot) is struggling with his first interview and realizes he’s not prepared for it.” Johnson said. “He signs up for some mock interviews with the (Career Development Center) counselor, and he eventually succeeds.”
One of Johnson’s other films involves a game show, which she said is ambitious and energetic.
“We’re going to need a really good host for that (film),” Johnson said. “I’m still looking for someone to do that.”
Since putting up the fliers on Monday, Feb. 27, Johnson has enjoyed an unexpected turnout of willing student actors for her project.
“I really wasn’t expecting to get so many emails from those little fliers,” Johnson said. “I didn’t really post a lot, and I got around 20 emails from people saying, ‘I’d love to act in this.’ It’s exciting.”
Freshman Emily Dehart emailed Johnson about the films and said she hopes to gain experience from filming this project.
“I saw one of (Johnson’s) fliers walking to the post office, and I was really excited about it because I like things involving film,” Dehart said.
Johnson is also looking for behind-the-scenes workers interested in lighting and directing.
Ultimately, Kluck said these films will be a good resource for students who want to learn about preparing for work life.
“There are useful resources in the Career Center, but a lot of it deals with what you learn,” Kluck said. “It’s what you take away after meeting with us and how you apply it that counts.”
Laura Landvik can be reached at