Junior Miles Stockman-Willis wears his personalized pair of Converse shoes. Stockman-Willis began drawing graffiti-like patterns on two pairs of white Converse and a pair of white Vans and hopes to make a business out of the idea. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Perkins adds thin outlines to her green and red watercolor piece. Perkins usually paints her ideas, then outlines them with black sharpies or pens. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Chisels, mallets and hammers dangle from a wooden rack in St. Kate’s Visual Arts Building. Art students use these tools for sculpting intricate designs and carving through tough objects. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Perkins snaps a photo. While Perkins loves painting, she’s also passionate about photography and telling stories through her photos. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Junior Willie Falk sits with a display of his paintings. Falk says he found his passion for art last year when he began doodling in his notebooks and thought the doodles would make interesting paintings. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
St. Kate’s students display artwork in a classroom. The university offers a variety of art majors and minors, including studio art, apparel design, art history, music theater and interior design. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Sophomore Allison Mathias practices a side tilt in the Minneapolis Skyway. Mathias, who has been dancing since she was three years old, was a member of the St. Thomas Dance Club last year. (Madeleine Davidson/TommieMedia)
Projects from Perkins’ art class lie strewn upon a metal table. Her class created these projects as an interpretation of movement, dimension, contrast and value. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Perkins paints in a secluded stairwell at St. Kate’s. She said her inspiration comes from her favorite high school art teacher who recently passed away. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Falk displays one of his favorite paintings. While Falk is pursuing a business degree at St. Thomas, he also hopes to do something with his artistic talent in the future. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Metal and wire scraps pile up in a wooden crate. The crate houses recycled materials students incorporate in new art projects. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Junior Erin Sarene Perkins paints with watercolors after her two-dimensional design art class at St. Catherine’s University. While Perkins is pursing a degree in psychology at St. Thomas, she is also working toward a minor in photography at St. Kate’s. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
From dance to watercolors to illustrations, photojournalist Carlee Hackl found students who practice art in a variety of forms.
Carlee Hackl can be reached at hack9822@stthomas.edu.