The supermoon peeks out from behind some leaves. The supermoon on Sunday appeared seven percent larger than usual, according to (Andrew Brinkmann/ TommieMedia)
The supermoon rises above the chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas. The lunar eclipse was visible from many interesting parts of campus Sunday. (Andrew Brinkmann/TommieMedia)
The supermoon partially eclipsed hovers above the O’Shaughnessy Frey Library. The lower quad offered some popular views on Sunday night as students gathered. (Andrew Brinkmann/TommieMedia)
The supermoon adopts a red tint as it passes behind the earth. In an event that hasn’t taken place since the 80’s, the moon was called super, blood-tinted and eclipsed Sunday evening.
Students Aaron Pietrowski and Meghan McCormick watch the lunar eclipse from the lower quad. Crowds of Tommies gathered on the grass for the majority of the evening Sunday. (Andrew Brinkmann/ TommieMedia)
Chief photo editor Andrew Brinkmann captured some images of the supermoon around campus Sunday night.