Junior Brianna Williams cuddles with her 7-year-old toy poodle and beloved pet, Spartacus. Williams adopted Spartacus from the Animal Humane Society in Golden Valley, Minnesota, shortly after he was found by a woman driving along the side of a highway in the pouring rain. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Spartacus sits on Williams’ lap and waits for a treat while wearing his button-up sweater and plaid shirt. Williams adopted Spartacus in September and said she found him through her volunteer work at the St. Paul Animal Humane Society and his picture on the Golden Valley location’s website. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Spartacus was found completely matted and starving, as shown in the top left photo. Upon adopting Spartacus from the Golden Valley Humane Society, Williams said, “I didn’t know how I was ever going to say goodbye to him.” (Photo Credit: Brianna Williams)
Junior Jen FitzGerald tries to get her domestic shorthair cat Monique to sit on her lap. FitzGerald has had Monique since she was in seventh grade and brought her to college when she moved off campus and began having mice problems at her house. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Monique looks curiously into the camera. FitzGerald and her two roommates love having Monique at school, despite the fact that Monique recently ate FitzGerald’s fish only 48 hours after she bought it. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Junior Tristanna Bickford snuggles her 6-month-old puppy Lily. The dog moved into Bickford’s apartment three months ago and always puts her in a good mood. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Lily, Bickford’s Cockapoo, leans on the back of her sofa. Bickford said Lily has an extremely playful personality and also likes snuggling. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Junior Andrea Westlie kisses her 5-year-old Siamease cat, George, who she and her roommate adopted last summer from a neighbor. “He is my best friend,” Westlie said. “He’s 15 pounds of beautiful joy.” (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Westlie’s 1-year-old hamster Charlemagne nibbles on some food. Westlie adopted Charlemagne the summer after her freshman year at St. Thomas and said he and George actually get along well. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Junior Courtney Citrowske snuggles up to her 10-week-old Pomeranian, Lorenzo. The puppy was born January 26, and Citrowske adopted him during spring break. (Photo Credit: Courtney Citrowske)
Citrowske said Lorenzo is the perfect combination of sugar and spice. “Lorenzo is a little puppy with an enormous attitude,” Citrowske said. (Photo Credit: Courney Citrowske)
Junior Julie Plutt snuggles with 16-year-old tabby cat Chewie. Chewie and Plutt have been inseperable since Plutt was 5 years old. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
While Plutt studies in Melbourne, Australia this semester, she said she misses Chewie like a best friend. “Whenever I come home and haven’t seen him in a while, I pick him up and put him over my shoulder and when I try to put him down he stretches out toward me and tries to cling on,” Plutt said. (Photo Credit: Julie Plutt)
Junior Jenna Lorence brings a lead and halter to her 15- year-old Arabian horse Midnight Warrior. Lorence competed in equestrian sports when she was in middle and high school and mainly competed in Arabian English Hunt classes. (Photo Credit: Jenna Lorence)
Senior Melanie Kraemer holds Link, her five-year-old Jack Russel terrier and Pomeranian mix. Link originally belonged to Kreamer’s boyfriend but quickly became hers too after they started dating. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Juniors Sydney Steger, Mckayla Wedig and Becca Scheurs keep 1-year-old Kobe at their off-campus house. Kobe moved in when Scheurs joined the house this past January. (Carlee Hackl/TommieMedia)
Carlee Hackl can be reached at hack9822@stthomas.edu.