Zayn Black charismatically tells the story of his faith journey, which saved him from years of struggling through alcoholism and drug abuse. Now sober, Black credits his faith as the catalyst for sobriety, and is endlessly grateful for the moment he first felt the grace of his God. (Caroline MacKeen/TommieMedia)
The Summit Singers perform at Wednesday night’s MyStory event, hosted by the St. Thomas Cru club. Cru meets Wednesday evenings in the OEC auditorium at 9 p.m., and invites students of all religious and faith backgrounds to attend. (Caroline MacKeen/TommieMedia)
The event included faith testimonies from students and guest speakers, performances from the Summit Singers and Cadenza, and free pizza for all attending. (Caroline MacKeen/TommieMedia)
Maddie Maxwell gives her faith testimony during the MyStory event. Maxwell spoke about her faith journey both before and during her time at St. Thomas, and encouraged everyone in attendance to explore his or her own spirituality during these formative years. (Caroline MacKeen/TommieMedia)
Ephraim Bird gives an inspiring testimony, recounting his experience as an orphan in Ethiopia. Bird explained his realization that no amount of money or secular love could match the love of his savior. (Caroline MacKeen/TommieMedia)
“MyStory is a cool event because it displays the Gospel–our sin is no match for the grace of Jesus. At the event, people will hear this truth, and it’s a truth that everyone deserves to hear…You can’t out-sin the grace of Jesus” –Maddy Rudkin, a sophomore and emcee for Cru’s weekly meetings.
Keanu Daley performs his spoken word poem at MyStory. Equal parts clever and thought-provoking, his poem encouraged the audience to appreciate and pursue the gift of faith. (Caroline MacKeen/TommieMedia)
Craig Wanous ’91 spoke about the storms in life all humans inevitably face and the ability to endure and overcome these hardships through faith. (Caroline MacKeen/TommieMedia)
Excellent photos, Caroline! I couldn’t be at this event but your photos gave me a good sense of it.