Freshman Madison Bodell makes her way through Tuesday’s snowfall. (Leti Mariani/TommieMedia)
Snow coats stadium seats at Fowler Veranda. (Taylor Smith/TommieMedia)
Sidewalks gradually clear of students as the snow piles on North Campus. (Leti Mariani/TommieMedia)
St. Thomas snowplow clears the sidewalks on the Lower Quad. (Taylor Smith/TommieMedia)
The University of St. Thomas sign stands in mid-afternoon flurries. (Leti Mariani/TommieMedia)
Snowflakes cover the Constellation Earth statue outside the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library. (Taylor Smith/TommieMedia)
The accumulating snowfall dusts a North Campus crab apple tree. (Taylor Smith/TommieMedia)
A man and his best friend trek through the heaviest snowfall of the season Tuesday afternoon. (Leti Mariani/TommieMedia)
St. Thomas canceled classes after 5 p.m. Tuesday after the first big snowfall of February.