Senior Jack Hiniker and three other athletes compete in the biking competition. The Wellness Center held the sixth annual Tommie Triathlon March 13. (Sunita Dharod/TommieMedia)
Freshman Rose Whitney-Eliason pushes through the final minutes of the running portion. Teams and athletes competed to win prizes including gift cards. (Sunita Dharod/TommieMedia)
Alumnus Wade Fuerste and senior Jack Hiniker compete in the running section of the event. Most participants were also involved in a varsity sport at St. Thomas. (Sunita Dharod/TommieMedia)
Junior Noah Kasper fights to complete the most laps in 20 minutes. Five teams participated in the triathalon. (Sunita Dharod/TommieMedia)
Freshman Sadie Buckel starts off the biking portion of the triathlon with enthusiasm. Along with individual athletes, the triathlon was made up of teams including “Scoregasm” and “Roomies.” (Sunita Dharod/TommieMedia)
Sophomore Kathryn Foltz reaches to complete a lap in the swimming portion of the triathlon. Foltz won top female athlete based on total distance. (Sunita Dharod/TommieMedia)
Sophomore Olivia Ritchie counts down the last five seconds of the biking portion. All athletes had to complete 20 minutes of each portion of the triathlon. (Sunita Dharod/TommieMedia)
Sophomore Kathryn Foltz starts off the biking section of the triathlon along with four other athletes. Foltz decided to participate because her dad and brother have also done triathlons. (Sunita Dharod/TommieMedia)
Senior Dylan Bakken checks out his competition, junior Noah Kasper. The Wellness Center hosted the triathlon Sunday morning. (Sunita Dharod/TommieMedia)
Sunita Dharod can be reached at