The Midtown Greenway is a bicycle highway in the middle of the city. Sophomore Jordan Hanson said “you’re in the city, but you don’t feel like you’re in the city.” (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)
The Monument, the park at the west end of Summit Avenue, is the nearest place to get on the East River Parkway Trail. At St. Thomas, students are close to the East River Parkway trail, which connects them to the West River Parkway and the Midtown Greenway enablingeasy travel within St. Paul and Minneapolis. (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)
Cyclists and pedestrians enjoy the West River Parkway Trail, a nine mile trail that extends from North Plymouth Avenue near Boom Island Park to Ford Parkway in Minnehaha Park. The West River Parkway Trail is one of the oldest separated bike trails in Minneapolis. (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)
The East River Parkway Trail provides ample views of the Mississippi River and Downtown Minneapolis from the river bluffs of St. Paul. The trail is six miles long and connects with the west end of Summit Avenue at The Monument. (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)
There is a clear view of downtown Minneapolis and the new Vikings stadium from the Martin Olav Sabo Bridge. The bridge was constructed in 2007 to allow cyclists to bypass the seven-lane intersection with Hiawatha Avenue. (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)
The Midtown Greenway runs from the West River Parkway Trail to Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, giving cyclists access to Downtown Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Lakes Chain. Bike trails are a safer way for college students to commute than biking on streets; sophomore Jordan Hanson said “I would never bike down Cretin… I feel like that’s just a death wish.” (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)
The Martin Olav Sabo Bridge is the first cable-stayed suspension bridge in Minnesota. From the Sabo Bridge to the West River Parkway Trail was phase three of the Greenway and opened in 2006. (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)
Riders and pedestrians can sit and enjoy the view of downtown Minneapolis from the Lake Street Marshall Avenue bridge, which connects the East and West River Parkway Trails. It is 550 feet long, the longest clear span of any bridge in St. Paul. (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)
Along the Midtown Greenway are several utility boxes wrapped in photograph prints. These artwork displays were created in 2013 by the City of Minneapolis Art in Public Places program in an attempt to reduce graffiti and increase the artistic appeal of shared community spaces. (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)
Cyclists ponder five questions at rest stops throughout the Greenway: when will we dance, where are we headed, where do we stand, what is out story and what is our hope? The theme of the Greenway is personal journeys; one question is posted at each of the five rest stops along the greenway, which also feature a bench and a bronze shoe sculpture fixed to the bench. (Natalie Hall/TommieMedia)