“Glee,” a popular comedy on FOX about a high school trying to save its glee club, opened nationwide auditions March 30 on MySpace.com to find three new characters for its next season. Among the current 2,332 audition videos, at least four St. Thomas students are vying for their own shot at fame.
“Glee” contestants posted two videos: a personal statement and a vocal performance of a popular Glee song. The voting is based on gold stars, given by MySpace users. The casting directors will more likely notice contestants with more gold stars.
Pursuing her dreams

Sophomore Emily Temple has been involved in choir and theater since high school and is passionate about pursuing a career in musical theater after college. “Glee” could be her opportunity to get her name out there.
“It would be really cool to get on ‘Glee’ and if nothing more comes out of this I hope to get my name out there and gain some exposure,” Temple said. “I’m never happier than when I’m on a stage singing and dancing.”
In her audition, Temple sang, “And I’m telling you I’m not going,” and she said she has been surprised at the response she has received by her supporters.
“Last time I checked, which was right before they closed the voting, I had around 17,000 gold stars and that happened within a span of two days,” Temple said. “It is shocking to me how fast I got so many votes, but I am thankful I have really supportive friends and family who have been constantly clicking the button.”
Temple currently has more than 18,000 gold stars.
Keeping his fingers crossed

For junior chamber singer Mike Leach, being a part of one of his favorite TV shows would be a dream come true, especially since his high school didn’t have a glee club, he said.
“I really, really like the show ‘Glee’ and I’ve always wanted to be in a show like that,” Leach said. “It just seems like so much fun.
He auditioned to the song, “Lean On Me” and submitted it April 24, two days before auditions were scheduled to close, and remains optimistic with his 15,212 gold stars.
“My ultimate goal is to get some exposure and this is an experience that many people can’t say they’ve done,” Leach said. “The worst that can happen is I don’t get called back, but at least I tried.”
Leach said he’s trying to not get his hopes up, but he still hopes for the best.
“I’m really passionate about singing and I hope it shows through in my video and I think my chances are as good as anyone else’s,” Leach said.
Seeing her life in a musical

Although freshman Caitlin Heaney didn’t start watching “Glee” when it first aired, she watched her first episode over winter break and said she found it to be the story of her life.
“It was like watching my life in musical theater,” Heaney said. “The characters make it all look like so much fun and it makes me happy to see a show make something I do look cool.”
For her audition, she sang, “Don’t Rain On My Parade.” Since posting her video last week, she has received more than 100,000 gold stars.
“The chance to be seen by casting directors is sweet, even if my chances of being on the show are really low,” Heaney said. “If I don’t get it I hope something else comes from it, especially since so many people have supported me.
Trying something new

Junior Brian Salzer initially had no intention of auditioning for “Glee.” But with the encouragement of his girlfriend and friends, he decided to try something new.
“I don’t watch much TV and when I do it generally revolves around sports, even though I like singing and I know the show has that,” Salzer said. “I figure I’ll give it a shot because I love music and if I could make a career out of it then it would be nice.”
For the audition, Salzer sang, “Can’t Fight This Feeling.” He posted it online Monday morning and he said he had about 1,300 gold stars.
“I honestly don’t think my chances are very good because how can they be if the auditions are nationwide, it’s kind of tough,” Salzer said. “Either way I had fun singing and hanging out with my friends while doing it.”
The St. Thomas students will find out the results before July, when filming for the next season begins.
Ashley Stewart can be reached at stew1177@stthomas.edu.