Photos are great because they can grab moments and allow you to hang on almost forever. They serve as evidence of what you did and reminders of where you came from.
But sometimes I find photos limiting, and that’s part of the reason I am such a big music fan. Unlike photos, which do a great job of capturing single scenes, songs can attach themselves to certain times and take you back years later when you revisit them.
I still remember the two CDs I listened to every day of the first summer I had a car, and each time I play them now, it’s almost like I’m doing it all over again. The memories are that vivid.
As my classmates and I prepare for graduation, I’ve begun to look through my music library, trying to find the songs that will take me back to the college days when I put them on years from now. I can’t say for sure yet, but I have a good feeling that these 10 songs will become some of the musical snapshots of my college career.

1. Ozzy Osborne “Bark at the Moon”
Right after I bought “Guitar Hero,” one of my friends said she was concerned that game would take up too much of my time. And she couldn’t have been more justified.
My friends and I spent hours each day trying to earn five stars on every level, and no song posed more of a challenge than the finale: Ozzy Osborne’s “Bark at the Moon.” My respect for guitarist Zach Wylde took off here. His riffs were the first big challenge in what became an immensely popular—and addicting—video game genre.

2. Explosions in the Sky “Your Hand in Mine”
Whether I was packed on a dorm futon to watch “Friday Night Lights,” studying for finals in the library or just trying to peacefully fall asleep, no band set the mood like Explosions in the Sky.
With its melodic guitars and cascading drums, “Your Hand in Mine” is the pinnacle of the Austin-bred post-rockers’ performances. This song really set off my exploration into instrumental rock, and everyone can benefit from some of that. Even my roommates asked me to play it for them from time to time before they went to bed.

3. Flo Rida featuring T-Pain “Low”
Right before Christmas break 2007, I downloaded a song called “Low” on iTunes. All I knew was the song was catchy and it featured that singer who fell in love with a stripper. When I got back from break, I never stopped hearing it, or so it seemed.
Not since Usher, Ludacris and Lil’ Jon teamed up for “Yeah” has a song dominated the pop scene like Flo Rida’s debut single. This song is still played on every top-40 station and at every party. For better or worse, I’ll always remember it.

4. The Outfield “Your Love”
Remember when Tiff’s was the Thursday night bar to go to? Before this school year, anyone wanting to start their weekends a day early could catch the shuttle and dance the night away at Tiffany Sports Lounge.
What I remember best about Tiff’s is that no matter what, the night wasn’t over until the DJ played “Your Love” by The Outfield. Something about 80’s sing-a-longs really bring college students together. Put this song on at your graduation party, and I bet you’ll spark a few “glory days” conversations about Tiff’s.

5. The soundtrack to “Lost”
Ever since my freshman roommate asked me to watch “Lost” with him, my life has been different. No show has ever captured my attention like it, and I couldn’t have asked for a better time to watch it all unfold.
As I look back on the show’s six seasons, I can’t help but remember how intense some moments were thanks to composer Michael Giacchino. Running from a smoke monster through a jungle is frightening enough; adding a soundtrack full of pounding and shrieking only magnified the intensity.
Check TommieMedia later this week for the last five musical snapshots.
Grant Goerke can be reached at
I’m a huge Lost fan, and finally bought the soundtrack to season one – best decision I have ever made. Listening to it the first time was fantastic and I know listening to it in the future will always remind me of these six years of my life, but especially those days spent marathoning the DVD’s with my roommates.