Like a movie script awaiting a studio’s stamp of approval, some students are eager for St. Thomas to establish a film minor.
If approved, the minor would consist of five classes: intro to film, world cinema, one theory and analysis course, one applied course and one course from any category.
“I want a film minor; I need it,” freshman Emily Dehart said. “It’s definitely something that St. Thomas should look into and stick with.”
Senior Erika Jarnes has spent the past four years at St. Thomas interested in film, but she has only been able to take the film classes offered through the English department.
“I was so upset when they told me that I couldn’t have a film minor as a senior,” Jarnes said. “They should make an option available for seniors to take classes after graduation for half price so they don’t miss out on this opportunity that I think is really important.”
The program is halfway through the approval process, but the professor behind the creation, Kevin Sauter, said he believes it will happen.
“I don’t wanna jinx myself, but I think we will be fine,” he said.
Sauter said once this minor is approved, more classes could be offered.
“I’d like to do a course where students learn how to develop and use film,” Sauter said. “And a script writing or an acting for the camera course could be offered.”
The university’s communication and journalism, theater and English departments have offered film classes for years; but in the current system, these classes are difficult for students to find on Murphy Online.
“Who is going to know that Theater 251 is film one? Once you go under class finder, one of the designations will now be film; and that’s going to really get people excited,” Sauter said. “I think it’s going to be a very popular program.”
Sauter said he and his co-workers embarked on the long process of creating a film minor because of student “enthusiasm,” and the minor may not require any new professors or equipment in its infant stage.
“I think the program is going to have to go a long ways before they hire a full-time person,” Sauter said.
The film minor classes could begin in spring 2013, and Sauter said he hopes the current film classes offered will fulfill some of the minor’s requirements.
Laura Landvik can be reached at land7854@stthomas.edu.