December brings many festive events to campus, including several holiday charity projects.

In its first year of operation, the Mid Campus Residence Hall Association is giving back to those in need with its Winter Clothes Drive for the underprivileged. Vice President and Treasurer Christopher Daniels said their first campus-wide event will last for the rest of the week.
“There are boxes in residence halls, the Dean of Students’ office, and the Commuter Center, where the St. Thomas community can donate gently used coats, scarves, gloves, hats and socks,” Daniels said.
He said the clothes will go to Joseph’s Coat, “a free store where disadvantaged individuals can go and pick up their essential things for the winter.”
The Knights of Columbus is also finishing a winter coat drive for those in need. Grand Knight Daniel Sedlacek said their St. Nicholas Coat Drive will help many underprivileged people.
“We’re just wrapping up, but we’re willing to help people who are just hearing about it be a part of what’s going on so they can donate,” Sedlacek said. “We’re donating to Sharing and Caring Hands in downtown Minneapolis. Every single winter item that’s going to keep someone warm is going to help and it’s going to be worth it.”
Another holiday food drive just finished this week. Manager of Campus Mail Services and Shipping and Receiving Nina Ruud said the mail service’s food drive was a success.
“During the month of November, we raised 851 pounds of food and a $25 check for Second Harvest Heartland Food Shelf,” Ruud said. “We also received donations from student groups like Silver Wings, Arnold Air Society and STAR.”
Ruud said she chose Second Harvest because they match each pound of food and dollar with a pound of chicken, up to 30,000 pounds.
Volunteers in Action will also hold its annual holiday dinner for homeless adults Saturday. Check back on TommieMedia this weekend for coverage of the event.
Cynthia Johnson can be reached at