This is News in :90 for Tuesday, April 20, 2010.
News in :90 – April 19, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin_041910′] This is News in :90 for Monday, April 19, 2010.
With big role to fill, so far so good for new baseball coach
Chris Olean had a big role to fill when he was selected to replace Dennis Denning, but so far, things have gone well for the former Tommie.
News in :90 – April 16, 2010
This is News in :90 for Friday, April 16, 2010.
Senior discusses upcoming 13th annual Hoop-A-Thon event
This Sunday, the Twin Cities Hoop-A-Thon will host its 13th-annual event.
St. Thomas alumnus and former basketball player BJ Viau started the fundraiser when he was 10 years old.
News in :90 – April 15, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin41510′] This is News in :90 for Thursday, April 15, 2010.
Tommies split with Macalester in doubleheader
The Tommies (18-2, 5-1) faced off at home against the Scots (12-9-2, 0-4) in a doubleheader Tuesday afternoon on Koch Diamond.
News in :90 – April 14, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin-41410′] This is News in :90 for Wednesday, April 14, 2010.
News in :90 – April 13, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin-4.13.10′] This is News in :90 for Tuesday, April 13, 2010.
After best season ever, Tommies start spring football practice
Coming off its best season in school history, the St. Thomas football team began spring practice Sunday.
News in :90 – April 12, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin41210′] This is News in :90 for Monday, April 12, 2010.
Students Pay It Forward over spring break
A group of St. Thomas students took part in Pay it Forward, a tour that runs across the country serving hundreds of communities each year.
Students’ multimedia show will benefit school in India
A group of St. Thomas students, led by senior Amanda Leaveck, have decided to face the lack of education in third world countries. They will devote their talent toward raising money to build a school in India.
The group is organizing a fundraiser, which will include art, fashion, dancing, and singing, at 9 p.m. April 21 at First Ave.
Freshman goes barefoot to raise awareness
TOMS Shoes hosted a nationwide “One Day Without Shoes” event April 8 to raise awareness about the significance that a simple pair of shoes can have on a child’s life.
News in :90 – April 9, 2010
This is News in :90 for Friday, April 9, 2010.