St. Thomas lost to Wartburg in the first round of the NCAA Divison III playoffs. TommieMedia will update the bracket throughout the tournament.
Women make history in midterms
This year’s midterm election results showed a few firsts among women in American government.
2014 Division III football playoff bracket
St. Thomas will play Wartburg in the first round of the NCAA Division III tournament. TommieMedia will update the brackets throughout the tournament.
Minn. gas prices drop below average
The current average is hovering around $2.90 – as opposed to around $3.20 a year ago – according to the Daily Fuel Gauge Report.
2014 Division III volleyball playoff bracket
The NCAA announced Monday that St. Thomas will host the first three rounds of the 2014 regional volleyball tournament.
Study shows physical activity improves GPA
According to a study conducted by a St. Thomas 2014 alumna, students who spend more time each week working out vigorously are more likely to have higher GPAs.
Blackboard updates its system
Blackboard began rolling out new changes and improvements this summer to combat user complaints, focus on the learner and make the system more user-friendly.
Minn. ranked 10th for energy efficiency
St. Thomas is doing its part to contribute to Minnesota being ranked as the 10th best state in the nation for energy efficiency.
UNC under fire for paper classes
One of the largest cases of academic fraud in collegiate history is taking place at the University of Northern Carolina at Chapel Hill.
EPA grant funds biology students’ research
The $15,000 grant given this summer allowed biology students to analyze Lake Como, which has an excess amount of phosphorus stored in the lake’s sediment.
University sees high percentage of women engineers
At St. Thomas, 23 percent of full-time engineering faculty are women, and female student enrollment in the program is about 15.6 this year.
Ways to save money on campus
Designer Miranda Jerabek found compiled tips for college students to save money on popular cash drainers.
Midterm election results in student precincts
Be sure to check TommieMedia for continuous governor, Senate and House results from Ward 4, Precincts 6 and 7, where many St. Thomas students vote.
10 strange health tips
Check out some surprising health tips you probably haven’t heard of.
Young voter turnout declines during midterm elections
Youth registration rates for midterm elections have been dropping over the past 12 years, according to a Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement study.