Photojournalist Natalie Hall captures some of the historic homes located on Summit Avenue.
Minnesota fun facts
Design manager Kari Johnson shares some fun facts about Minnesota.
Athletes compete in sixth annual Tommie Triathlon
St. Thomas students biked, ran and swam as they competed in the Wellness Center’s sixth annual Tommie Triathlon March 13.
2016 fitness trends
Design manager Kari Johnson explores the top fitness trends of 2016.
Sculptures around St. Thomas
Photojournalist Sunita Dharod captured interesting sculptures around campus.
How college students spend money
Designer Kelly Olson looks at where college students spend the most money.
Kooky facts about coffee
Designer Jordan McCauley shares some interesting facts about coffee.
World economic outlook 2016
Designer Kelly Olson explores the International Monetary Fund’s recent World Economic Outlook for 2016.
St. Thomas students take the Polar Plunge
Thirty-nine St. Thomas students participated in the Polar Plunge Saturday to raise money for the Special Olympics.
Mindful music
Designer Jordan McCauley shares some tips on how music can help improve study habits.
Minnesota caucus results
TommieMedia will update the results of the Minnesota caucuses throughout the evening.
Freshmen of 2015
Designer Jordan McCauley examines the statistics behind this year’s freshman class.
Mac vs PC
Designer Jordan McCauley compares the benefits of macs and PCs.
Benefits of meditation
Designer Kelly Olson examines the benefits of mediation.
Global risks
Design manager Kari Johnson explores the categories of global risks.