INFOGRAPHIC: Avoiding Thanksgiving food waste

In the U.S., 40% of all food goes to waste. During the holidays, people are confronted with more food than they can eat, meaning a lot of food is wasted. Designer Maggie Stout has an infographic on how people can reduce food waste over Thanksgiving.

Sports in :60 – Nov. 22, 2019

St. Thomas women’s basketball is on a win streak, women’s soccer plays in the sweet 16 today, and men’s cross country will race in the NCAA championship this weekend. Designer Maggie Stout has today’s sports in :60.

News in :90 – Oct. 9, 2019

The Pacific Gas and Electric Company will stage the largest preventative blackout in state history, the White house announced it would halt all cooperation with the impeachment probe, the Supreme Court is deciding whether a civil rights law extends to LGBT people, and the St. Thomas dance team has partnered with Darby’s Dancers. Designer Maggie Stout has this week’s News in :90.