Freshman class is largest in school history

As of the 10th day of classes, there are 1,352 freshmen enrolled at St. Thomas – the largest class the university has ever seen.

“We took a close look at what we had available in terms of space and what size of class we can enroll and still keep the quality of the experience as high as we can,” said Marla Friederichs, associate vice president for admissions and financial aid.

FAFSA filings rise, students scrape to pay tuition

Even during the best of economic times, it can be hard for students to scrape together enough money for St. Thomas’ private-school price tag. But as unemployment rates climb along with tuition costs, many students are frantically searching for ways to pay their tuition bills.

“Paying for this semester was really tough,” junior Jack Dowd said. “I’m taking out more loans, paying more out of the pocket, taking on two jobs and even taking from part of my little brother’s college fund. I’m planning on paying him back once I graduate and get a job.”

Sitzmann Hall renovations to be finished by late October

A comfortable place for students to study, larger rooms and a bigger chapel are some of the expected benefits of the Sitzmann Hall renovation. Sitzmann Hall, built in the 1920s and located on the corner of Summit and Cleveland Avenues, was originally constructed as a family residence, much like the rest of the stately homes …